

Based on the belief that human resources are the foundation of TOMOEGAWA's business operations, we are developing human resources that will enable us to continue corporate development and challenge new growth areas. We have established detailed systems and provide necessary support support so that employees can voluntarily engage in self-development and capacity development and achieve their own self-realization.

Consumer issues (ISO Management System)

In order to provide our customers, local residents and other stakeholders with satisfaction through our business activities, TOMOEGAWA has been continuously improving the quality of its business operations and improving its consideration for the global environment through the operation of the world standard quality management system (ISO9001) and environmental management system (ISO14001).

Management system

In recent years, development related to automobiles has increased in TOMOEGAWA, and inquiries from customers in the automobile industry are increasing. In order to satisfy new customers in the automobile industry as well as existing customers with safety and security, we are working to establish a system that conforms to IATF16949* in addition to ISO 9001/14001.

  • IATF16949 was created by the IATF (International Automotive Industry Special Committee) and is an international quality management system for the automotive industry to achieve "defect prevention" and "reduction of variations and waste."
    It is based on ISO 9001:2015 and is operated as a set

Responsible procurement of raw materials

Environmental conservation and sustainable forest management

In TOMOEGAWA, we are working to promote environmental conservation and sustainable forest management through the procurement of a raw material for papermaking products. Some of our products FSC (Forest Stewardship Council) certification, a worldwide forest management certification system. (FSC C081650)

Adoption policy statements that encompass the FSC core labour requirements

TOMOEGAWA expresses the following policy.

  • The organization shall not use child labour.
  • The organization shall eliminate all forms of forced and compulsory labour.
  • The organization shall ensure that there is no discrimination in employment and occupation.
  • The organization shall respect freedom of association and the effective right to collective bargaining.

Promotion of Sustainable Procurement

1.Sustainable Procurement Guidelines

TOMOEGAWA CORPORATION aims to contribute to the sustainable growth of society. To this end, we promote sustainable procurement activities, whereby corporate social responsibility (CSR) activities are extended throughout the entire supply chain in cooperation with our suppliers and contractors.
These Guidelines consist of the Basic Procurement Policy and the Sustainable Procurement Standards, based on the ideas of TOMOEGAWA’s Basic Sustainability Policy. These Guidelines are applied to the procurement activities of TOMOEGAWA CORPORATION when we procure any goods or services necessary for our business activities by means of purchasing, leasing, or otherwise. Therefore, the Guidelines shall not only be applied to the procurement activities of procurement departments, but also to all departments of TOMOEGAWA CORPORATION. The Guidelines, however, do not apply to the procurement of funds (financing).
Furthermore, these guidelines are also matters that we, as a company, request our suppliers to follow, on the basis of internationally recognized standards and the laws of respective countries, and matters that are mutually required of companies by society.
We ask our suppliers to fully understand these guidelines and to implement their contents, and request your understanding and cooperation toward the further strengthening of TOMOEGAWA’s sustainable procurement activities.

Basic Procurement Policy

In order for TOMOEGAWA CORPORATION to be trusted and selected by all our stakeholders, first and foremost by our customers and suppliers, we fulfill our corporate social responsibilities within our procurement activities.

  • We fairly and impartially enter into communication with all suppliers and contractors.
  • We comply with domestic and overseas laws and regulations, and conduct fair business transactions based on corporate ethics.
  • We strictly control all information obtained through procurement activities.
  • We work to conserve the environment and reduce our environmental impact.
  • We pursue quality, cost, and delivery in order to meet the needs of the market.
  • We work to foster mutual cooperation and build relationships of trust with suppliers and contractors.
  • We promote sustainable procurement throughout the entire supply chain.

Sustainable Procurement Guidelines

Whistleblowing Contact Point

2.Green Procurement Standards

The standards are intended to provide the Company’s basic policy of green procurement, management standards, and operational contents. And to practice appropriate management of chemical substances in products by the entire supply chain in order to comply with laws and regulations related to chemical substances, satisfy the customer’s requirements, and reduce environmental burden.

Green Procurement Standards

Human resource development

The first section of TOMOEGAWA's founding spirit, which we have positioned as "Values" of our Corporate Philosophy, states, " Integrity : We pledge to maintain the highest standard of integrity in all our businesses and human relationships."
As part of this "integrity in personal relationships", we are engaged in employee education with the aim of fostering first class human resources.

Safety, Disaster Prevention, and BCP(Business Continuity Plan)

In TOMOEGAWA, "Putting the Highest Priority on Safety" is an important issue. The entire TOMOEGAWA Group, including group companies in Japan and overseas, from top management to worksites, is engaged in "0" accident activities with the participation of all employees, and in safety activities aimed at forming "0" emergency worksites. We also focus on disaster response and BCP.


In addition to the activities of the existing Safety and Health Committees, TOMOEGAWA established the Safety Review Committees in fiscal 2017 to strengthen efforts to correct work-related accidents and prevent recurrence.

Disaster prevention and BCP

In TOMOEGAWA, we conduct disaster prevention drills every year in accordance with the themes set by our Sizuoka Plant, Shimizu Plant and Tokyo Head Office.
In addition, in the event of an emergency such as a natural disaster, terrorism, earthquake, or fire, we have established a Business Continuity Plan (BCP) to quickly restore operations and continue business operations. The BCP is being reviewed on an ongoing basis.

Contribution to local communities

TIn TOMOEGAWA, we are working to deepen understanding of our business activities through active exchanges and dialogues, and to develop various initiatives to revitalize local communities. We are working to be a company that satisfies our stakeholders by being located in that area.

Community Contribution Activities

TOMOEGAWA is engaged in activities that contribute to the local community through interaction with local residents, such as cooperating with local cleanup activities and events, and accepting factory tours from universities and other educational institutions.

Shimizu S-Pulse support

We have been supporting the J-League Shimizu S-Pulse for many years by sponsoring advertisements. In fiscal 2022, we continue to support the Shimizu S-Pulse by displaying TOMOEGAWA ad boards at IAI Stadium Nihondaira, the Shimizu S-Pulse's home ground.
